In the USA, bottled pharmaceutical tablet products are offered. Child safety, which in most cases is guaranteed in Europe by the typical blister packaging, must be achieved by means of closures with a special opening mechanism that is classified as too complex for children.
Together with Bayer, B+P Creality has developed a modern and professional looking bottle for the Aleve brand, one of the leading and most popular pain reliever brands in the USA and Canada. In addition to a bottle front that can be labelled as broadly as possible and is therefore eye-catching on the shelf, particular importance was attached to a characteristic shape of the shoulder area of the bottle. This arched shape also corresponds excellently with the shape of the closure, which is also arched and also designed in two parts. This two-part design is supported by two colours, but also by a haptic contrast: the upper part of the closure is made of a comparatively softer plastic. This effectively supports the better opening of the child-resistant Push+Turn closure, so that even consumers suffering from arthritis – one of Aleve’s core target groups – can benefit and open the bottle better.