Today, DREISTERN is the market leader in the category of meat, ready-to-eat meat and convenience products. The very extensive product portfolio represents a wide range of products for the different sub-categories.
Thus, the DREISTERN product brand has inevitably developed a complex product and brand structure, which is less and less reflected in the visual appearance. As a result, brand awareness has fallen one step behind the values for the actual market shares covered.
In order to give consumers and retailers more orientation within the product range and more incentives to buy at the shelf, the DREISTERN company decided to initiate a consistent brand + packaging design relaunch together with the Berlin-based brand + packaging design agency Berndt+Partner Creality.
A new product line was created especially for the launch of the new brand image. Classic, popular Haumacher dishes, which are currently experiencing a great renaissance anyway, with a new brand appearance in the 400g food can as a single portion in line with the target group.
The task for B+P Creality was to redesign the packaging design for this new product line in a first step.
The aim was to create a fresh and contemporary, but also credible appearance, which offers consumers and retailers more orientation on the sales shelf and above all looks really delicious.
The result is an authentic, down-to-earth and modern relaunch, which takes into account not only the packaging design but also the fundamental revision of the brand logo.
The new packaging design has a high degree of attention and recognition effect on the sales shelf and thus shows itself well equipped for the revival of the corresponding segment.
The new design has a very high recognition value thanks to a well thought-out mechanism and also ensures a maximum shelf impact.
The main reason for this is the newly created rhombus element, which assumes the function of a creative brand bracket and informative control centre. This is where both the differentiation of varieties is staged by means of harmonious and restrained range names and colours, and all relevant product information is made comprehensible at a glance.
The logo of the DREISTERN brand, which is also linked to the rhombic element and has also undergone a design revision, should not remain unmentioned. Through consistent changes in typography (more contemporary, clearer, more legible) and colouring (white on red instead of red on white), it now appears contemporary and authentic, just like the entire design concept. Nothing is promised that cannot be kept: high product quality, traditional recipes and practical enjoyment.
The latter is also transported in a particularly impressive way by the food photographs. Super deliciously staged top shots in a stylish and homely atmosphere. Authentic, down-to-earth, directly tailored to potential consumers.
The adaptation of the new brand identity to numerous other categories has already been implemented or is in progress. In addition to the “Hausmacher Gerichte’” (homemade dishes), other product ranges will be gradually introduced to the market under the new design.
Beyond the packaging relaunch and the corresponding conversion of the DREISTERN range, various marketing activities to further strengthen the company’s market position are in concrete planning.
The goal is clearly formulated: To push the expansion of market shares even more strongly and to continuously stimulate the respective market segments with fresh concepts.