The assignment in this project for Gerd van Well was to create a new, modern sub-brand that would harmonize with the company’s own brand, but at the same time have an independent presence in the market. In concrete terms, this meant for us that the quality of the sub-brand should correspond as closely as possible to that of the umbrella brand – high-quality craftsmanship in a clear, modern, elegant guise – but should stand out visually from the umbrella brand. The new brand was to address a somewhat younger target group. Thus, a key point was to make the brand more modern and also a bit hip, without losing the elegance of the ceramics. What came out of it? The second brand Töchter & Söhne (“Daughters & Sons”) under the motto ‘handcrafted ceramics’. Visually, the tableware is clean, tidy, minimalist and classic, but still radiates modernity. It combines noble style with practical convenience. The pictures speak more than a thousand words: