WAGO Green Range - greener product, greener packaging

The German company WAGO is reducing its CO2 footprint. With the Green Range, the manufacturer of technical solutions for an intelligently networked world has a new product series in its repertoire. This is characterised by the use of more sustainable materials – both inside and out. As with the recent relaunch of the basic packaging design, our agency supported WAGO again this time. Together, we developed an environmentally friendly packaging that perfectly matches the unique selling points of the Green Range products.

WAGO is an industrial manufacturing company and therefore requires many resources – not only energy but also raw materials, especially plastics. Conventional plastics are made up of carbon compounds. The latter are obtained to a considerable extent from crude oil or natural gas. These are two non-renewable materials whose extraction pollutes the climate and the environment. WAGO is aware of this. However, the company attaches great importance to protecting our planet. That is why it is constantly looking for ways and means to improve its eco-balance. The focus is on reducing the need for newly produced plastics. The Green Range brings WAGO closer to this goal.

The new product family already has its first member in the form of the familiar 221 connection terminal in an adapted, even more sustainable material composition. Even the classic version shows how important environmental protection is to WAGO: It consists of 75 per cent polycarbonate (PC) and 25 per cent polybutylene terephthalate (PBT); 35 per cent of this material combination is regranulate, i.e. plastics from the recycling of production waste. In the Green Range version, the manufacturer goes a considerable step further by massively reducing the proportion of original plastics:

– instead of 75 per cent, only 17 per cent original polycarbonate
– for the remaining 58 per cent biocircular PC
– only 18 per cent original polybutylene terephthalate instead of 25 per cent
– for the remaining seven per cent recycled PBT
– 29 per cent recycled pellets

The Green Range version of the 221 connection clamp with levers is many times more sustainable than the standard version – but there is no difference in quality between the two clamps. They have the same technical data and certifications. The applications are also the same.

The WAGO Green Range relies on more environmentally friendly resources not only for the product itself, but also for the packaging. The packaging is made from grass paper. Its production consumes around 5.2 per cent less CO2 and around eleven per cent less water than pure recycled paper. In addition, the impact on biodiversity is reduced by around 28 per cent. Grass paper consists of up to 30 per cent grass fibres and around 70 per cent recycled paper. The grass fibres come from fallow agricultural land or from compensation areas for buildings. According to the law, these must be mowed several times a year. The resulting grass cuttings are used to produce grass paper.

The packaging design of the Green Range harmonises with that of the other product series. We have maintained the much-needed uniformity and also orientated ourselves on the modernisation of the WAGO packaging look, which we recently carried out. You can read more about this here.

Thanks to the more sustainable material composition of the products and the optimised grass paper packaging, WAGO Green Range is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to produce and build in a greener way.

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